Placing an Order
To place an order on our website, please use our secure on-line shopping basket and enter your credit card information. If you would like to place an order by phone, please call us on 0117 330 2277. If you have questions regarding any of our products and services, you can email us at , but why not just give us a call?
We answer our phones!
Please call us on 0117 330 2277.
To view our full returns policy please click here
Methods of Payment
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Switch, Solo & Electron We can also accept cheques which must be sent along with your order to:
Austen Group Limited
Babdown Airfield
All orders by cheque will be sent upon receipt of and clearance of payment.
Delivery Information
Simply Bar Stools have worked very hard to put in place an efficient and reliable FREE DELIVERY SERVICE (Majority of the UK only). Delivery normaly takes 1-3 working days.(We try to our best to ship the next working day) For our Next Working day service,all orders must be placed by 3.00pm. Please note the delivery will be made on the Next Business Working day only, this excludes Bank Holidays.
United Kingdom Majority of the UK (for more info please see our Delivery Page)
1-3 days
As mentioned, Simply Bar Stools offer a FREE delivery service to the majority of UK addresses. Once the item is dispatched from our warehouse, you will receive a tracking number via email (Parcelforce only), where you can view the whereabouts of your order.Simply Bar Stools cannot be held responsible for any delays in delivery of the item from the point of dispatching to our couriers.
Our Couriers will usualy deliver within 1 - 3 working days (although occasionally deliveries can take up to 14 days). If Our Couriers can not deliver the item because nobody is at home to receive the order, they will leave a card, and attempt delivery on another two occasions. After this point, you will need to call your local depot to arrange a more convenient delivery date. If the courier receives no contact from you after a period of approximately 5 working days, they will return the package to us . This may result in extra shipping costs being incurred for redelivery.
Please note that compensation can NOT be offered in any circumstance if a delivery has not arrived on time, and it can NOT be offered for any persons who have taken the day off work in order to receive the item.
Simply Bar Stools advises that customers who forsee difficulty in obtaining their item at a home address should state a different delivery address at checkout. If a delivery address needs to be changed after the checkout procedure, please call us and we will get this changed for you, however this may affect the speed of delivery.
We Only Ship Within the UK